Wise Birth Radio
Thriving through motherhood

Ep.42/ Enter the Void to Receive - Ixchel's Sacred Second Trimester Loss
Our beautiful friend Ixchel Prisma talked with us today about the depths and beauty of her second trimester loss with her spirit baby, River Nova.

Ep.41/ Dad Staying Home is Not a Postpartum Plan
When asked about their postpartum plan, so many women say "Well, my husband is taking 3 weeks off work...". While thats great, that alone should not be your postpartum support in an ideal situation.

Ep.40/ Boundary Medicine, Body Image, + Big Kids - Sara’s Fourth Postpartum
Sara and I had a lovely walk and talk about her fourth postpartum after the birth of her son, Akiva. Postpartum care provider and educator, mother to 4, this postpartum was probably perfect, right?

Ep.39/ My Bleeding Time Agreements with Myself
Just a walk and talk with myself today about my agreements and understandings around my moon time.

Ep.38/ Sound, Music + Frequency as Healing in Pregnancy and Birth. And Life - with Adrian DiMatteo
What if SOUND HEALING (insert feathers and crystal bowls here) didn't have to be a big complicated thing, but was actually woven into your every day life? What if you could be constantly working with frequency and vibration as tools for health and balancing in your body, mind, and spirit?

Ep.37/ Why I am NOT a Birth Doula (even though it seems like everyone else is)
Once, long long ago (or at least that's how it feels!), I was! I thought that being a birth doula was path through which I wanted to serve women... at least until I started doing it.

Ep.36/ Crossing the Threshold - Ashke and Ian's Beautiful Home Birth Story
Out lovely friends Ashke and Ian join us today from the end of their sacred window to tell us the story of their son, Cedar's birth.

Ep.35/ Plant Empowered Woman with Aiste Maria Gazdar
This is WAY different than any "vegan pregnancy" advice you've ever heard. We talk about minerals, developing relationships with wild plants, and inviting a sense of play, curiosity, and matriarchy into our kitchens.

Ep.34/ Time is Fake. Cycles and Rhythms in the Childbearing Year
What if this is all fake? Can we throw away the clock and just listen to the flow of our bodies? Lean in to the movements of the sun, of the seasons, of our baby's subtle (or not so subtle) communications.

Ep.33/ Circadian Rhythms in the Childbearing Year with Nikko Kennedy
Nikko Kennedy is a perinatal quantum biology practitioner and certified labor and postpartum doula. She has a B.S. in Biopsychology from the University of Oregon and is the creator of Brighter Days, Darker Nights, a Substack publication dedicated to promoting circadian rhythmicity and quantum wellness in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

Ep.32/ Why I Actually Do Want a Midwife (at my next birth)
We've talked a lot about how modern midwifery fall short of truly supporting the physiology of birth, and honoring the sacred aspect. So I decided to think out loud for you today: why do I still want a midwife at my future births?

Ep.31/ Connecting with the Dark Mother w/ Stacey Ramsower
Through somatics, Ayurveda, and depth psychology, Stacey helps women navigate the shadowlands of Motherhood. In this episode, we explore the archetypes of motherhood, our own personal relation with creating community and connecting with other women, and so much more.

Ep.30/ Manifesting Your Ideal Postpartum Time
Learning about what optimal postpartum support looks and feels like can often leave women feeling overwhelmed and like it may be an unreachable goal. We are here today to break it down.

Ep.29/ Holding the Sacred and the Mundane - Sara’s Fourth Birth Story
A beautiful simple, yet powerful and profound story. The whole family gathered around to witness the incredible power of their mama in what is both an incredibly powerful and awesome experience and at the same time the most natural, every day thing: physiological birth.

Ep.28/ Nourishment through a Vegetarian Pregnancy
Join us as we go for a walk and discuss some considerations for a vegetarian pregnancy, and how Sara nourishes herself. We are coming from two different perspectives (I chose not to remain a vegetarian at around 6 months postpartum) and we recognize that this can be somewhat of a loaded topic.

Ep.27/ I Would Choose an Elective Cesarean If...
Today's intentionally provocatively named solo-cast is about... well, exactly what the title says. I had a small revelation the other day where a series of stories led me to understand the conditions under which just picking a date and having surgery instead of experiencing the mystery of birth is a more appealing option.

Ep.26/ Is Birth the Most Painful Thing?
That's often one of the first thoughts/fears that someone who has never birthed before has "but what is it going to feel like? How much is it going to hurt? Will I be able to handle it?" We share a bit about our own birth stories and how sensations changed throughout, and talk more generally about what pain is and how we choose to perceive sensations.

Ep.25/ Your Motherhood is for You - Creating Ease and Pleasure in Postpartum and Beyond with Nicole
This was such a rich conversation on all the ways she knows this life can be FOR US. We talked about becoming more boundaried as a mother, how to create structure for a deeply restful, healing, and (dare we say) blissful postpartum time (this goes far beyond "freeze some soup, ask your sister in law to help with laundry"), and how to soften and open to receive every beautiful thing life is offering you.

Ep.24/ Connecting with your Innate Mother-Wisdom
We wanted to share a bit about this deep mother-wisdom that we see activate in women when they are pregnant and become mothers, and that we ourselves have experienced. You could call it mother's intuition, spidey senses, just deeply knowing and noticing her children, or a mother's ability to tune into a universal wisdom of the feminine and specifically of motherhood.

Ep.23/ Sara’s ”Please Do’s” and ”Please Don’ts” for Birth
Sara put together this list to get clear on her desires, values, and priorities for herself, her partner, and her midwife. Keep in mind that this is very individual, and you will probably want different things. We thought it might be helpful for people to see some things to consider discussing with a midwife in preparation for birth.