Ep.27/ I Would Choose an Elective Cesarean If...
Today's intentionally provocatively named solo-cast is about... well, exactly what the title says.
I had a small revelation the other day where a series of stories led me to understand the conditions under which just picking a date and having surgery instead of experiencing the mystery of birth is a more appealing option. This is not a judgement on anyone's choices, but rather my discussion with myself on that moment of intense empathy. For women who are not educated about what their body's will do in pregnancy and birth. For women who have only heard stories and narratives of birth being scary and dangerous. Of women who have yet to experience the joy and power of being deeply connected to their body's and to other women. And of a society that functions on an artificial clock, while ignoring out natural rhythms and timings. This is for all those women, and for all of you who listening to encourage you to plant the seeds and inhabit your own wilds.
I Would Choose an Elective Cesarean If...
Mentioned in the show:
Petri Mesa's podcast - the Earthside Birth Podcast
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