Ep.40/ Boundary Medicine, Body Image, + Big Kids - Sara’s Fourth Postpartum


Postpartum care provider and educator, mother to 4, this postpartum was probably perfect, right?



Beautifully, postpartum is an ever deepening, ever challenging, ever incredible spiral into yourself. With the opportunity for new lessons, new messages, and new challenges each time. Sara and I had a lovely walk and talk about her fourth postpartum after the birth of her son, Akiva.

We talk about:

  • She hosted her first nesting party at 36-ish weeks pregnant. (Highly recommend.)

  • Boundary medicine in postpartum time!

  • Yes, everyone wants to see the baby, but it’s so important for you to protect your energetic bubble.

  • You are so sensitive and so vulnerable in this time, so while you need so much support and love and care, you also need to be discerning with who is in your space.

  • How her husband, Z, and her three kids mentally prepared themselves for her to be resting and less available for many weeks.

  • Sara’s top baby gear recommendation (vacuum snot sucker)

  • Her baby, Akiva, made milk (curse of the midwife?)

  • Sara’s relationship with her own body! This is so strongly passed down the matrilineal paths, often in a not so helpful way. Sara opens up about her own relationship with her body and body image, and how she is choosing to teach her kids to relate.

  • Sara’s early menstrual cycle return

  • And what she’s been doing starting at a few days, postpartum to care for her body, heal, and feel strong.

  • How we can have an understanding of the ideals, while also flowing with the realities of life



Boundary Medicine, Body Image, + Big Kids


Mentioned in the show:

Fertility Friday podcast

My favorite Indie Birth sweatshirt

My favorite fiction - Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley

Our curated fertility/cycling book list

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Check out our online, comprehensive birth education course Wise Woman, Sacred Birth to go deeper into self responsibility, trust and connection with your inner self, and knowledge and wisdom of the biological truths of the childbearing year, and connection with other beautiful mamas.


Ep.41/ Dad Staying Home is Not a Postpartum Plan


Ep.39/ My Bleeding Time Agreements with Myself