Wise Birth Radio
Thriving through motherhood

Ep.35/ Plant Empowered Woman with Aiste Maria Gazdar
This is WAY different than any "vegan pregnancy" advice you've ever heard. We talk about minerals, developing relationships with wild plants, and inviting a sense of play, curiosity, and matriarchy into our kitchens.

Ep.33/ Circadian Rhythms in the Childbearing Year with Nikko Kennedy
Nikko Kennedy is a perinatal quantum biology practitioner and certified labor and postpartum doula. She has a B.S. in Biopsychology from the University of Oregon and is the creator of Brighter Days, Darker Nights, a Substack publication dedicated to promoting circadian rhythmicity and quantum wellness in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

Ep.32/ Why I Actually Do Want a Midwife (at my next birth)
We've talked a lot about how modern midwifery fall short of truly supporting the physiology of birth, and honoring the sacred aspect. So I decided to think out loud for you today: why do I still want a midwife at my future births?

Ep.28/ Nourishment through a Vegetarian Pregnancy
Join us as we go for a walk and discuss some considerations for a vegetarian pregnancy, and how Sara nourishes herself. We are coming from two different perspectives (I chose not to remain a vegetarian at around 6 months postpartum) and we recognize that this can be somewhat of a loaded topic.

Ep.27/ I Would Choose an Elective Cesarean If...
Today's intentionally provocatively named solo-cast is about... well, exactly what the title says. I had a small revelation the other day where a series of stories led me to understand the conditions under which just picking a date and having surgery instead of experiencing the mystery of birth is a more appealing option.

Ep.20/ Birth is a (part of but not complete) Rite of Passage
Not having a cultural or personal understanding of this process is what leaves so many women today feeing lost in motherhood. ‘You lose yourself in motherhood’ is only a true statement if you haven’t consciously left your old self behind in pregnancy, journeyed outside of yourself in birth, and rediscovered your new self in the postpartum time.

Ep.19/ A Who’s Who of Birth Workers
Demystifying the nomenclature of the birth world! What is a midwife vs a doula vs a birthkeeper?

EP/17 The Wise Woman Tradition and the Universal Mother Principles
I wanted to talk a bit today about some of the philosophical underpinnings of our work and philosophy here.

Ep.10/ Birth with a Student Midwife Brain (Part 1)
This is part 1 of the story of the birth of my (Maible’s) son, Olin Wren Gillespie. Attended by Sara, a midwife, a photographer, my partner, and my mother, this birth was very straight forward, down to earth, and rather humorous. He was born at home on January 11, 2022 after a 12 hour labor. In integrating the story after, I learned so much about the subtle dynamics of persuasion and experience, and why it is so important to speak your “no”, even if it doesn’t seem like a big deal.

Ep.8/ Birthing Under the Trees
Tune in today for the story of Sara and Z's second pregnancy and birth. Like the first, this is a unique story of birth with strong community support. This babe was born in the woods as Sara ha envisioned. We talk about what we assume about midwives, the challenges of being pregnant with a little toddler, and much more.

Ep.7/ Birth of a New (van) Hope
We are talking today with our dear friends Stephanie and Jacob about the birth of their first baby, Forest van Hope. This is an extra special interview for us and there’s some really great gems of knowledge! Stephanie and Jacob are friends of ours who took both our birth education and our Innate Traditions Postpartum Course, and we were their for their birth!
This is such a great story of how you can harness the potential of this period of growth and change to come out centered and nourished as a family. We love being able to share stories like this full of grace through tough times.

Ep.6/ Reflections from the Third Trimester
We check in at 30 weeks of pregnancy! We love having the opportunity to talk through things with mics, it gives us the chance to go deeper into our own personal processes to bring out the gems of what is universal. We talk about how relationship balances need to shift in pregnancy, the joys of morning sickness, and what it looks like to deeply nourish your body to the best of your ability.

Ep.4/ Journey through Conscious Conception and Pregnancy
We talk today with our dear friends Jerry and Ixchel about their journey so far into their first pregnancy. We discuss their beautiful process through conscious conception and their communication with their spirit baby, and how they have moved through all the lessons of this pregnancy so far. They bring a unique and wise perspective from their diverse background of spiritual studies.

Ep.3/ Surprise! (First Days of Pregnancy)
It's just Maible here today, recording all the thoughts and feelings of my moon being a few days late.... and being pregnant! I talk about pregnancy tests, my own story around conception (nothing graphic, don't worry), and what I've already learned from this unique time and this spirit.
I recorded this in the spring, so it may not be timely, but it felt relevant to share my journey.