Ep.36/ Crossing the Threshold - Ashke and Ian's Beautiful Home Birth Story


Our lovely friends Ashke and Ian join us today from the end of their sacred window to tell us the story of their son, Cedar's birth.



It is such a joy to hear their story of conscious conception, Ashke's new adventure into studying birth education with Birthing From Within, how Ian's relationship with home birth interfaced with his job as an EMT (such a special crossover), culminating in a fast and healing birth.


We talk about the difference between bypassing fear and choosing to face it head on, dealing with external expectations and pressure with humor and grace, and postpartum cooking as community building.


It's been so beautiful to walk with Ashke as she enters the childbearing spiral, and grows into a beautiful mother. She has been one of the biggest champions of our work with Wise Woman, Sacred Birth, and we are so looking forward to what the future holds for their beautiful family.


You can find Ashke's work with herbal medicines - Maka Pejuta

and on Instagram



Crossing the Threshold - Ashke and Ian's Beautiful Home Birth Story


Mentioned in the show:

Our podcast episode with Ixchel and Jerry on their beautiful conscious conception process

Birthing from Within

Ashke was one of the first women with access to Wise Woman, Sacred Birth and gave us amazing feedback.

Thanks for listening!

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If you have anything you want to hear more about, or any questions you'd like us to address, please reach out at nurturedgrove@gmail.com. We welcome your feedback.

Follow us on Instagram @nurtured.grove for more musings and information on wholistic pregnancy, physiological birth, and intuitive motherhood.

Check out our online, comprehensive birth education course Wise Woman, Sacred Birth to go deeper into self responsibility, trust and connection with your inner self, and knowledge and wisdom of the biological truths of the childbearing year, and connection with other beautiful mamas.


Ep.37/ Why I am NOT a Birth Doula (even though it seems like everyone else is)


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