my story

I got pregnant with my first child months after finishing midwifery school.

It was the ultimate final project; a time to test my ideals, and embody my knowing.

I have a good grasp on prenatal nutrition and how deeply nourishment can impact a pregnancy, but am I actually able to follow my cravings and my intuition over dogma?

I understand the importance of feeling fully safe and trusting my midwife, but can I really confront the subtle misalignments I feel?

I believe in community care postpartum, but am I able to ask my housemate to make me breakfast 4 weeks postpartum so I don’t have to wear my baby and carry the heavy skillet?

I see the childbearing year as a rite of passage, but can I actually feel how I want to be supported and witnessed in it? And can I ask for that presence from the women in my life?

When push came to shove, my ideals weren’t embodied and I slipped between the cracks of what I knew I wanted, and what I was really resourced enough to create.

I was left with the feeling of “something’s missing”.

That something is what I am dedicated to creating for all women.

A grove. Where we can gather, sing, cook, sip tea, cry, and talk. Where we can learn about how to nourish and move our bodies. Where we can have the space to feel what our babies are asking of us. Where we can dream what our powerful births will feel like. Where we can make hard choices about ways of being that are no longer in service to our path as strong matriarchs.

Not being one who believes much in qualifications, labels, letters, and boxes, I am first and foremost, a woman and a mother.

A human walking through the trials and tragedies, the beauty and the mysteries of being alive in a female body. Of growing, birthing and raising children. And of growing and birthing ourselves into the strong matriarchs that the world so deeply needs in these times.

I am a student of midwifery, of herbalism, of my ancestors, and of spiritual traditions from across the globe.

I am a kitchen witch, a stitch witch, and a wanderer. I love to sing with groups of people, to dance alone in my kitchen, and explore the beautiful rivers and mountains my family calls home.

I have a podcast where I share my musings and ramblings on birth and all things motherhood. I love to cook for postpartum women here in the Hudson Valley. And I exist here in the online space with monthly prenatal circles, and more in-depth one on one coaching.

Not because I am the expert who’s going to tell you what to do, but because life is better when you have women to walk with.

my training


  • Blazing Star Herbal School - Apprenticeship

  • School of Evolutionary Herbalism

Postpartum Care

  • Center for Sacred Window Studies

  • Infant CranioSacral Workshop with Lori Hendrickson


  • Indie Birth Midwifery School

  • Sacred Birth Certificate Program


  • MotherCircle Facilitator Training

let’s chat!


my vision

Pregnancy is a moment for you to bask in the glory of the goddess.

To grow, to expand, to put down roots. To be fed. To grieve (because *gasp* pregnancy is also a time of letting go.) And to be so deeply seen as you step into the rites of motherhood.

Birth is a time to crack open.

To release all stories you had about yourself and your limits so that motherhood can form you anew. To take just one step further than you ever thought possible, and in doing so to merge with the Great Mother. To open your eyes and see not the ceiling, but the stars. And to act as a bridge between cosmos and earth for your baby to come.

Postpartum is a cocoon.

So soft, so delicate, so nourishing. A time to hear the songs of our grandmothers sung sweetly as we drift off to sleep. To awake to the face of our babe, a hot bowl of stew, and a sister brushing our hair. The magic of the mundane bringing us back to this new earth that we are creating with every birth.

Women need ceremonial presence as they walk the depths of their own soul’s path.

Women need OTHER WOMEN to see them standing in their own power. To see them choosing to take responsibility. To see them crumble and crack and shift and grow into MATRIARCH.

Women need real information on the physiology of the processes of pregnancy and birth. (It’s not rocket science, it’s your own body!)

I’d love to support you in this journey of claiming your power, your strength, your softness through motherhood.