Wise Birth Radio
Thriving through motherhood

Ep.39/ My Bleeding Time Agreements with Myself
Just a walk and talk with myself today about my agreements and understandings around my moon time.

Ep.38/ Sound, Music + Frequency as Healing in Pregnancy and Birth. And Life - with Adrian DiMatteo
What if SOUND HEALING (insert feathers and crystal bowls here) didn't have to be a big complicated thing, but was actually woven into your every day life? What if you could be constantly working with frequency and vibration as tools for health and balancing in your body, mind, and spirit?

Ep.35/ Plant Empowered Woman with Aiste Maria Gazdar
This is WAY different than any "vegan pregnancy" advice you've ever heard. We talk about minerals, developing relationships with wild plants, and inviting a sense of play, curiosity, and matriarchy into our kitchens.

Ep.34/ Time is Fake. Cycles and Rhythms in the Childbearing Year
What if this is all fake? Can we throw away the clock and just listen to the flow of our bodies? Lean in to the movements of the sun, of the seasons, of our baby's subtle (or not so subtle) communications.

Ep.33/ Circadian Rhythms in the Childbearing Year with Nikko Kennedy
Nikko Kennedy is a perinatal quantum biology practitioner and certified labor and postpartum doula. She has a B.S. in Biopsychology from the University of Oregon and is the creator of Brighter Days, Darker Nights, a Substack publication dedicated to promoting circadian rhythmicity and quantum wellness in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

Ep.31/ Connecting with the Dark Mother w/ Stacey Ramsower
Through somatics, Ayurveda, and depth psychology, Stacey helps women navigate the shadowlands of Motherhood. In this episode, we explore the archetypes of motherhood, our own personal relation with creating community and connecting with other women, and so much more.

Ep.25/ Your Motherhood is for You - Creating Ease and Pleasure in Postpartum and Beyond with Nicole
This was such a rich conversation on all the ways she knows this life can be FOR US. We talked about becoming more boundaried as a mother, how to create structure for a deeply restful, healing, and (dare we say) blissful postpartum time (this goes far beyond "freeze some soup, ask your sister in law to help with laundry"), and how to soften and open to receive every beautiful thing life is offering you.

Ep.24/ Connecting with your Innate Mother-Wisdom
We wanted to share a bit about this deep mother-wisdom that we see activate in women when they are pregnant and become mothers, and that we ourselves have experienced. You could call it mother's intuition, spidey senses, just deeply knowing and noticing her children, or a mother's ability to tune into a universal wisdom of the feminine and specifically of motherhood.

Ep.20/ Birth is a (part of but not complete) Rite of Passage
Not having a cultural or personal understanding of this process is what leaves so many women today feeing lost in motherhood. ‘You lose yourself in motherhood’ is only a true statement if you haven’t consciously left your old self behind in pregnancy, journeyed outside of yourself in birth, and rediscovered your new self in the postpartum time.

EP/17 The Wise Woman Tradition and the Universal Mother Principles
I wanted to talk a bit today about some of the philosophical underpinnings of our work and philosophy here.

Ep.15/ Poetry Series - Rage
I'm starting a mini series here in the podcast of poetry! For now I think it will be things I have written, but I might expand it to other people's writing as well.
This is a poem I wrote to process/unravel an emotional process. Continually working with this rage has been a powerful meditation for my this past year.

Ep.14/ The Vital Energies of Receiving in the Postpartum Time
Reflecting today as I walk about the energies and practice of receiving, particularly in the postpartum. We have seen it come up again and again with women we have worked with 1:1 and classes or workshops we have taught on the postpartum time: women feel reluctant to ask for help. Creating a nourishing, expansive, blissful, supported postpartum is totally possible, AND it requires asking for help! Laundry, dishes, childcare, cooking, healing touch, or just a sister to sit with you are not luxuries! Creating a magical postpartum time is completely attainable, and for most women it requires working through their internal blockages around receiving, particularly around receiving from other women.

Ep.13/ Autonomy and Boundaries - One Year after Olin’s Birth
Today is Olin's first birthday! In honor of the event, I talk today about a word that came up persistently throughout my pregnancy with him, and took on more subtle shades of deeper importance as I was integrating his birth story this past year:
I know this is a big word out there in the collective consciousness at the moment, and this episode is a short reflection on what it means to me.

Ep.12/ Reflections on a Year of Big Transitions
Wrapping up this year before the solstice, it's a solo-cast today with just me, Maible. I share some reflections on this past year, my transition to motherhood thus far and other changes it has cataylsed in my life. (Spoiler alert: I'm not a vegetarian any more!) This is a pretty personal and vulnerable episode, but it feels good to be sharing my story through this medium.