Ep.24/ Connecting with your Innate Mother-Wisdom
Sara is back today! We wanted to share a bit about this deep mother-wisdom that we see activate in women when they are pregnant and become mothers, and that we ourselves have experienced.
You could call it mother's intuition, spidey senses, just deeply knowing and noticing her children, or a mother's ability to tune into a universal wisdom of the feminine and specifically of motherhood
You'll hear about:
Little ways to practice connection to body and it's subtle messages
Taking tiny moments to check in
Honoring cues (hunger, thirst, pee, movement)
Spending time with mamas you admire
Acknowledging your gratitude for them can help remind you of your own
Time with mamas who trust you, and reflect back your own mother-wisdom
Amplifying “mother frequency”
Nervous system work
When we are relaxed and open, we are more tapped in
When we are stressed, have less capacity to listen
When hard things come up, create space to think about it. Allow your nervous system to relax before jumping into something
Honor your partner
In seeing and exalting their contribution, you can see your own in the negative space
Spend time in nature
Messages, signs, come when we are closest to “spirit” feeling aligned. For me, this is in nature
As Maryn Green says - Mother Earth is your kids original mother, you are the imperfect human mother. Returning to nature can help us feel mothered ourselves.
Connecting with your Innate Mother-Wisdom
Mentioned in this episode:
Maryn Green's Magical Mama Circle
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Follow us on Instagram @nurtured.grove for more musings and information on wholistic pregnancy, physiological birth, and intuitive motherhood.
Check out our online, comprehensive birth education course Wise Woman, Sacred Birth to go deeper into self responsibility, trust and connection with your inner self, and knowledge and wisdom of the biological truths of the childbearing year, and connection with other beautiful mamas.