Ep.41/ Dad Staying Home is Not a Postpartum Plan


When asked about their postpartum plan, so many women say "Well, my husband is taking 3 weeks off work...".



While that’s great (although we'd be more into all fathers being given paid paternity leave for at least a month), that alone should not be your postpartum support in an ideal situation.

We talk about:

  • How we envision the ideal postpartum time to look and feel

  • How sinking into this design can allow the blessing of a different time perception and brain wave state to come aboard. A delicious, relaxed, healing, state.

  • Postpartum is designed to be slow - we need to have enough support to hold the energy of slow

  • Partner needs slow as well! Mother can't fully relax if everyone around her is running around and feeling hectic.

  • Fathers need also need time to integrate as well! This is a huge transition for the whole family.

  • Father's can’t be doing constantly and expect to also have space to feel

  • The theory of everyone in the postpartum time needing two layers of support

  • Creating healthy fatherhood begins with the birth of the father!

  • It's often more difficult, but extremely important for men to practice dropping from a space of doing to a space of being

  • Sometimes new fathers experience a crash as way of slowing down. We need postpartum support to allow them to stay present.

  • Your next tangible steps spelled out to creating sacred space for both parents postpartum



Dad Staying Home is Not a Postpartum Plan - Why new moms AND their partners both need support for a thriving family


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Check out our online, comprehensive birth education course Wise Woman, Sacred Birth to go deeper into self responsibility, trust and connection with your inner self, and knowledge and wisdom of the biological truths of the childbearing year, and connection with other beautiful mamas.


Ep.42/ Enter the Void to Receive - Ixchel's Sacred Second Trimester Loss


Ep.40/ Boundary Medicine, Body Image, + Big Kids - Sara’s Fourth Postpartum