Ep.12/ Reflections on a Year of Big Transitions
Wrapping up this year before the solstice, it's a solo-cast today with just me, Maible.
I share some reflections on this past year, my transition to motherhood thus far and other changes it has cataylsed in my life. (Spoiler alert: I'm not a vegetarian any more!) This is a pretty personal and vulnerable episode, but it feels good to be sharing my story through this medium.
You'll hear about:
- My lifelong journey of coming home to my body
- How breastfeeding made my new dietary requirements very clear
- My months long decision process to start eating meat after being a life long vegetarian
- How these choices have impacted my relationship with the cycles of the divine feminine/earth goddess/life-death-life
- And how my transition to motherhood has felt much like a home-coming, or a stepping into the next level of my being.
Reflections on a Year of Big Transitions
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