Ep.14/ The Vital Energies of Receiving in the Postpartum Time
Reflecting today as I walk about the energies and practice of receiving, particularly in the postpartum.
We have seen it come up again and again with women we have worked with 1:1 and classes or workshops we have taught on the postpartum time: women feel reluctant to ask for help. Creating a nourishing, expansive, blissful, supported postpartum is totally possible, AND it requires asking for help! Laundry, dishes, childcare, cooking, healing touch, or just a sister to sit with you are not luxuries! Creating a magical postpartum time is completely attainable, and for most women it requires working through their internal blockages around receiving, particularly around receiving from other women.
You'll hear about:
- The four things that keep women from being open to receiving:
We’re so scared of being seen by other women! Being open and receptive inherently involves a level of openness and vulnerability, and many of us are conditioned to see other women as unsafe. (Hello, sister wound!)
So many women feel like they are not “worthy” of, or haven’t “given enough” to be able to receive.
We don’t practice asking for help! Plus a great practice for pregnancy (and all times) to do with your partner to become more comfortable with asking for exactly what you need.
You may think you don’t know what you need until you are in the this of it! I argue that if women really take the time to meditate on what they will need in this time they know exactly what will be required, and education is really helpful for this.
- Moving from being victim of the lack of community to calling in, creating, and embodying the supportive community you need to mother.
- The danger of the conditioned mentality of being a strong woman. How can we be strong in our softness and vulnerability?
- The difference between passively being open to something vs actively calling it in (this is huge!)
- The dance between my partner and I of our own patterns of the divine feminine and masculine. How we’ve worked to balance and complement each other in terms of these archetypes. Pregnancy and postpartum was such a huge humbling for me and taught me so much about asking for help and stepping deeper into my own feminine element.
- I put these words are out there as a prayer, in hopes that these seeds of receptivity, openness, and vulnerability amongst our sisters are planted in the minds and hearts of anyone who is ready to deepen into relationship with their own feminine.
The Vital Energies of Receiving in the Postpartum Time
We mentioned:
Our first Mother Circle on March 8th!
Nicole’s Instagram - embodied motherhood and nourished postpartum - @theseedofjoy_
Contact us to set up a postpartum planning consultation!
Postpartum Resources:
First Forty Days Book by Heng Ou
Healing after Birth by Jennifer Summerfeltd
Newborn Mothers by Julia Jones
The Fourth Trimester by Kimberly Ann Johnson
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