Wise Birth Radio

Thriving through motherhood

Ep.14/ The Vital Energies of Receiving in the Postpartum Time
Postpartum, Motherhood Maible Coughlin Postpartum, Motherhood Maible Coughlin

Ep.14/ The Vital Energies of Receiving in the Postpartum Time

Reflecting today as I walk about the energies and practice of receiving, particularly in the postpartum.  We have seen it come up again and again with women we have worked with 1:1 and classes or workshops we have taught on the postpartum time: women feel reluctant to ask for help. Creating a nourishing, expansive, blissful, supported postpartum is totally possible, AND it requires asking for help! Laundry, dishes, childcare, cooking, healing touch, or just a sister to sit with you are not luxuries! Creating a magical postpartum time is completely attainable, and for most women it requires working through their internal blockages around receiving, particularly around receiving from other women.

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